A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

The “Queen of Soul”, Aretha Franklin, passed away last month without a will. I repeat. Aretha Franklin passed away without a will. That is amazing to me. How could a pop icon with so many decades in the music industry not take the time to plan her estate? Allegedly,...


My thoughts on tariffs and trade wars are pretty basic. First off, I am not an economist by any stretch of the imagination. However, I feel we should all pay attention to the economic news. Reading from “The Hill” newsletter this morning, it appears that lawmakers on...

10 Year-End Tax Planning Ideas

It is very hard to believe it is that “time of year” again.  Yes, the Holiday Season, but also the time to get your financial houses in order.  OK, not as much fun as Santa Claus, but still necessary.   Review your year-to-date paystub. Do an estimate...